About Dave Fowler

Dave Fowler

I like thinking about problems and implementing solutions, ideally with other great people. I've started a lab WhatIfWeBuilt Labs to focus on doing just that.

I am an entrepreneur and have founded a number of companies, most notably Chartio where I focused on creating tools to enable anyone in a business (not just the data teams) to explore and understand their data. I think the mass literacy hurtles we've tackled in the past with reading and computer literacy had enormous impacts on human intelligence and I belive that data literacy is that next opportunity.

I wrote a book with my co-author Matt David on modern data best practices entittled The Informed Company

I also write for The Data School, where we aim to increase data literacy and help data experts establish, collaborate and educate on best practices.

I've founded 2 other companies, am an Alumni of the University of Minnesota, Gustavus Adolphus and Y Combinator. After college, and before the startups I worked at IBM on the XBox360 processor where I lead 10 patents pending.

I was listed in Forbes' 30 under 30 in Technology for 2011 and 2012.

I was the primary on 11 patents while interning at IBM.

I learn best when I write about what I learn. I share the Things I Learn.

I've had the opportunity to work with and invest in some incredible people and companies and am always on the look out for more.

You can find me on Twitter, Linked In, Pinterest and davefowler @ Instagram