Relative URL Parser Snippet Posted on 2009-01-05 by Dave Fowler

Python 3.0 seems to come with fancy new features to urllib including urllib.parse which is an excellent utility for parsing the different components of URLs. I however don't use python 3.0 yet and needed a clean way to make full URLs given a base URL and relative URLs.

This is helpful if you're scraping a webpage and need the full paths of any links. Its not clean but here's the snippet:

import re
safestarters_re = re.compile('^(http|ftp|#)')

class URLParser:
    def __init__(self, url):
        self.url = url
        self.base = None
        self.dirs = None
    def get_base(self):
    if self.base is None:
            self.base = re.sub('(.*/).*$', '\g', self.url)
        return self.base
    def url_wo_get(self):
        return re.sub('\?.*$', '', self.url)
    def get_dirs(self):
        if self.dirs is None:
            dirs_re = re.compile('(.+?/)')
            self.dirs = dirs_re.findall(self.get_base())[2:]
        return self.dirs
    def relURL(self, rel_url):
        """ returns the joined url given a relative url  """
        if safestarters_re.findall( rel_url ):
            return rel_url
        dirs = self.get_dirs()
        n = 0
        rel_base = self.get_base()
        if rel_url.startswith('.'):
            rel_url, n = re.subn('\.\.\/', '', rel_url)
        elif rel_url.startswith('/'):
            n = len(dirs)
            rel_url = rel_url[1:]
        elif rel_url.startswith('?'):
            rel_base = self.url_wo_get()
        if dirs and n:
            repl = ''.join(dirs[-n:])
            rel_base = self.get_base().replace( repl, '')
        return rel_base + rel_url

And here's how you can use it. Hope it helps, feel free to use.

>>> url = ''
>>> parser = URLParser( url )
>>> parser.get_base()
>>> parser.relURL( '../relative/path?more=get' )
>>> parser.relURL( '/another/relative/path' )